Green WIPS 09ΣYN647

Green WIPS – Green Waste Information Process System
The purpose of the project is to design and develop an integrated system for the Optimal Control and Management of Green Energy Production from waste (Green WIPS Green Waste Information Process System) using state of the art automation and maintenance systems as well as Algorithms for the optimization of waste treatment productive process. The program funded from ESPA with Code 09ΣΥΝ647.
Focusing on the compliance with the Greek and European legal requirements and the continued pre-effort to improve environmental performance, this proposal aims to contribute to the overall sustainable development of the country. The fact that we can use technology to solve an environmental problem creates expertise, employment positions, investment, and this helps to solve problems through the development of the region, create new perspective in the world and when all this expectations have been fulfilled it will have become an export power for the country.
With the Green WIPS, cooperation of HELECTOR - MOTION - Laboratory of Machine Elements - Machine Design of NTUA the consortium aims to optimize the production process of secondary fuel from waste by automatic parameters adjusting, according to the age of the material and the modification of those that is fully adjusted to any changes in the quality of material intended to be biological drying and mechanical sorting, so that the secondary fuel meets the specifications for calorific value between 16,000 and 18.000 kL / kg, i.e. comparable to that of lignite.

The Technology
The technologies will be incorporated in the Integrated System Green WIPS aimed at obtaining new knowledge that may be useful for developing new and improving existing products, processes and services in the management and control of Production of Green Energy from Waste, related to the design automation, optimization algorithms and software as well as the installation of systems such:
Special type sensors and measurment
Automation and control systems,
Measurement optimization Algorithms,
Process optimization Algorithms,
simulation and diagnostic models of maintenance,
quantitative and qualitative management and evaluation of collected data,
evaluation models (feasibility study)
to optimize the production process of the secondary fuel (Dry-Stabilate) to be free from harmful contamination and to has high calorific value similar to that of the lignite in order to be used as fuel in many industries, regardless of age and type of waste processed.

The Optimized Management and Control System Green WIPS aims to optimize:
The process of waste drying which is takes place in specific enclosed bioreactors. Where water content is been reduced of the waste alloying the process of biodegradation by introducing measurement, automation and optimization algorithms. This is the critical step to ensure the almost perfect separation of waste to its constituents, that is recoverable materials and fuels. The remaining Dry-Stabilate is organic material with high calorific value. This is free of both harmful material and inert ballast. Even with the concept of avoiding waste, bio waste collection and separate collection of recyclable material, the Dry-Stabilate still contains about 66% of organic material. This renewable fuel has a calorific value of between 16,000 and 18,000 kL/kg i.e. comparable to that of lignite. This it is obtained by full control and optimization process, with continuous measurement and automatic optimization of all critical parameters of rapid biodegradation (CO2, T, air flow) by measuring, automations and special software.
The automatic adaptability of the parameters, according to the age of material and the modification of those that is fully adjusted to any changes in the quality of material intended to be biologicaly dried and mechanically shorted.
The Mechanical Sorting Process which will examine the possibility of introducing new improved separation techniques to optimize the quality of the produced secondary fuel.
Preventive maintenance of machinery
In particular, the Green WIPS system concerns:
the initial installation of devices based on the principle of analytical redundancy for the measurement of critical parameters, and an added system for quantitative management, with the design and development of an electronic monitoring system of the produced flows during waste treatment.
the design of automation and optimization measurements algorithms of organic drying procedures in conjunction with the installation of special sensors.
The improvement of drying process with continuous measurement and automatic optimization of all the critical parameters, regardless the type, quality and age of the waste, with the design and development of a Communication Data Collection Terminal)
The automation design and optimization measurements algorithms of mechanical shorting process coupled with installation of special sensors and new improved shorting techniques.
The improvement of the mechanical shorting process by introducing new and improved separation techniques and the design of mechanical changes for the system.
Applying optimization algorithms for the adaptability of the automatic parameters, according to the material age and the modification of those that is fully adjusted to any changes of the quality of material intended to be biological dried and mechanical shorted.
Modeling and optimization of preventive machinery maintenance to upkeep the quality criteria of the material produced.
The design and development of a Communication Data Collection Terminal, with high computational power, capable of recording and processing I/O (Input/Output) signal from specific sensors to take continuous measurements. It will also be capable for full control and process optimization, with continuous measurement and automatic optimization of all critical process parameters capable to interact with computer (PC).
The design and development of an intelligent system based on the above models, in knowledge-based structures and control systems, which it will be able to lead the installation even if an error occurs (intelligent fault tolerant control).
The automatic monitoring and adjustment of all critical process parameters so as to avoid requiring any manual intervention at any phase of waste processing.
The modeling and optimization of preventive maintenance of machinery in order to maintain the quality criteria of the material produced.
The design of an integrated system for Environmental Management, Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of the results depending on the quality of the collected waste.
The Technology advantages
Waste to energy
No waste material for landfilling
Biological drying increases calorific value
Separation of waste into material for energy recovery and material recovery
50% of input material transferred into secondary fuel
Secondary fuel has 2/3 of organic material
CO2 savings for 2/3 of the output material (Stabilat)