Solid Waste & Energy Management Systems

MOTION Hellas supports its clients by identifying their requirements and in the selection, planning, implementation, testing and commissioning of Automation and SCADA systems. The company works through specifications analysis, architecture design and implementation management, in order to provide integrated solutions for automation systems in the fields of:
Environmental Protection and Management (Restoration of landfill sites, Water supply projects, Sewerage systems projects, Waste water treatment and disposal projects)
Cleaning and Solid Waste management
Energy Administration Systems
MBT and Recycling Plants
MOTION Hellas has executed a large number of Automation Systems for Construction and Restoration of landfill sites, such as:
Construction of Sanitary Landfill in Fylis – Attika region
Construction of Western Attica's Sanitary Landfill (part II)
Construction of Sanitary Landfill Phase II in Western Attica
Construction of Sanitary Landfill of Mavrorachi in Thessaloniki
Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of Limnos Island
Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of Western Samos Island
Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of Eastern Samos Island
Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of Thiva area
Construction of Sanitary Landfill site of Livadia area
Rehabilitation of Tagarades Landfill in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki
Construction of Sanitary Landfill in Pafos, Cyprus
MOTION Hellas has executed a large number of Automation Systems for Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) such as:

Construction and Operation of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill in Fylis – Attika region
Construction and Operation of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill Phase II in Western Attica
Construction and Operation of WWTP of Western Attica's Sanitary Landfill (part II)
Construction and Operation of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill of Mavrorachi in Thessaloniki
Construction of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill site in Limnos Island
Construction of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill site in Western Samos Island
Construction of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill site in Eastern Samos Island
Construction of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill site in Thiva area
Construction of WWTP of Sanitary Landfill site in Livadia area
Construction of WWTP in Kinouria
Construction of WWTP in Waste MBT Plant in " Marišćina” Croatia
Construction of WWTP in Waste MBT Plant in "Kastijun” Croatia
Construction of WWTP in Waste MBT Plant in "Sofia” Bulgaria

MOTION Hellas has executed a large number of Automation and SCADA Systems for Solid and Recycling Waste Plants such as:
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant in OSNABRUEK Germany (MBT Mechanical and Biological treatment HERHOF RECYCLING OSNABRUEK GMBH)
Recycling Waste Plant in Koropi – Attiki region (WATT SA)
Recycling Waste Plant in Ano Liosia – Attiki region (EPANA SA)
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Larnaka Cyprus (MBT PLant)
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Chania
Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Ano Liosia
County Waste Management Centre (CWMC) "Marišćina", Croatia
County Waste Management Centre "Kastijun” County of Istria, Croatia
Integrated system of solid waste treatment facilities of Sofia Municipality– Design and Construction of a Mechanical-Biological-Treatment (MBT) Plant for processing waste and production of Refuse Derived Fuel in conjunction with the implementation of Project No DIR-592113-1-9, co-financed from the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013”