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Helector S.A.



Project: HELMAP.Net (HELctor MAnagement Purchase System.Net)



Start of Operation: 2014

MOTION Hellas contracted the design, development, installation and commissioning of the Software application HELMAP.Net (HELctor MAnagement Purchase System.Net).  The aim of the HELMAP.Net is to support the procurement functions of the various projects of the company. Specifically covers the circuit starting from the procurement of materials application, approval of, the receipt of tenders, purchase orders, and closes with the delivery of materials and purchase invoices.


The HELMAP.Net includes the following modules:


  • Projects: As projects are the individual plants whose operation is under the supervision of the company, as well as construction projects implemented by the company.


  • Employees: Employees have distinct roles in each project, and can participate in more than one project. As regards procurement, the main roles are those of the Applicant, control and approve.


  • Materials supplied: There is uniform coding of materials between projects, which are grouped into categories and subcategories.


  • Suppliers: Approved Suppliers

Regarding the Request for Procurement the HELMAP.Net has the following types:


  • Request for Procurement

  • Award Procurement

  • Receipt Procurement

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